The antioxidant activity of four extracts obtained from seeds of Sylibum marianum L. by trapping technique of free radical DPPH (2,2-diphényl1-1picrylhydrazyl) revealed a big antioxidant power, especially for the ethyl acetate extract with inhibitory concentration (IC50) of 0.20 mg / ml. The chloroform extracts and butanol possess a moderate antioxidant capacity (IC50 of 0.97 mg / ml and IC50 of 1.04 mg / ml). However the residual aqueous extract is the least active (IC50 of 5.64 mg / ml). The extract ethyl acetate presents an anti-radical efficiency of 5.00 very close to that of the ascorbic acid is 5.88. The thin layer chromatography confirmed the presence of flavonoids. The quantitative analysis shows that the ethyl acetate extract is the richest in flavonoids with grades of about 39.64 μg catechin equivalent per gram of dry matter.
Keywords : Sylibum marianum L.; seeds; flavonoids; thin layer chromatography (TLC); antioxidant capacity.
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