23 Jul

2-Dimensional Geoelectrical Resistivity Imaging Survey was carried out to locate and delineate sand deposits at Imasabor primary school area (line 1) and Ozolua road area (line 13) each of 100 m in length in Ologbo, Ikpoba-Okha Local Government area of Edo State, Nigeria. Wenner – Schlumberger Array was employed for the field data acquisition using Petrozenith Earth Resistivity Meter. A total of seventy-eight soundings were obtained in each of the areas and the field data was processed and inverted using zondres2d software to obtain 2-dimensional true resistivity of the subsurface. Geologic interpretation of the surveyed areas show pockets of sand bodies and intermingled bodies of silt having few traces of fine sand lens within it at the depth of 0.0-2.0 m, silt bodies with traces of fine sand and large pockets of pure clay surrounded with pure silt at the depth of 2.0 m-4.0 m and fine and coarse grained sand with fine grained sand occurring as a continuous strip sitting on top of the coarse grained one at the depths of 4.0 m and below.

Keywords :2D resistivity imaging; pseudosection; Ologbo.

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